Wednesday, January 2, 2008


So, along with my resolution to be more organized (if you know me, please stop laughing - I'm going to try!!), I hope to be a little more up to date with this blog. I still have a few more entries from 07 to catch up on first.

I got a daily calendar this year - The Cupcake Calendar. It gives a main recipe one day, then the next few days are variations. One resolution this year is to try a recipe weekly, and post on it. January 1st's recipe was "Spanish Orange Syrup Cupcakes," which sound interesting, but I'm going to see what the next few days hold before I decide what this week's cupcake is. I'm trying hard not to peak ahead! (Today's variation is adding lemon juice to the orange flavor).

Happy new year's everyone! Hope your 2008 is fabulous :-D

1 comment:

Sio said...

The sweet potato casserole and the pumpkin chocolate chip cookies are already a family favorite. I may give up holiday cooking and turn it over to Siobhan!